
Showing posts from September, 2020

Australia Africa Business Excellence Award.....

  The Australia Africa Business Excellence Award are a means of recognizing various forms of merit and service to Africa. This year, individuals in different award categories will receive Honors.....   Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to announce that several awards will be conferred individuals for their exceptional achievements. Their various victory and successes moved the entire Continent and inspired young citizens and Africans to set new goals, reach for their dreams and pursue their aspirations. These awards serve as an encouragement and recognition of the hard work by the people who have helped them get to where they are today after years of dogged determination, their pursuit of excellence, discipline and drive will inspire an entire generation of young people. Their achievements have brought tremendous pride to the country. The Australia Africa Business Excellence Award is a well-deserved recognition of their contribution to economic excellence and f...

Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George: Why We Are putting up Korea – Africa World Economic and Investment Summit

In another move to reposition Africa’s economy in the Covid-19 pandemic era as well as the   post-Covid19 era, Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry is putting up the Korea – Africa World Economic and Investment Summit for 2021. With the Nigerian version of the event failing to hold early 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions, the organization is stepping it up in a bid that other African countries will benefit from its dividends. Korea – Africa World Economic And Investment Summit will be a networking point for Korean and African investors as Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry is proposing that the best way out of the global economic crisis is multiple and strategic collaborations. Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, the president of Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in an announcement about the event, said strategic partnership is key to global development at the moment. "Covid-19 has shown us few things. We have learnt a few lessons that the most important thing is humanity a...

Euro-Africa Economic & Investment Forum Holding in Helsinki Finland



The Asia - Africa Economic Forum Hanoi, Vietnam will be held from Hanoi, Vietnam. Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in association with Trade Nigeria is currently working closely with all the other Asian co-organizers and the Government of Vietnam towards a successful organization of Asia - Africa Economic Forum.....

Importance of Trade for Development

  For many developing countries, progression from low income to middle and upper middle-income country status rests heavily on successful trade in regional and global markets

The U.S - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2022

  The U.S - Africa Economic and Investment Forum is an organized Trade Mission designed to be a high level event geared towards supporting the private sector engagement and to drive greater U.S - Africa Trade, Investment and business development and engagement.

Poland - Africa Economic Forum.....

  Poland - Africa  Economic Forum is powered by Trade Nigeria to enhance trade, business, investment and economic opportunities between Africa and Poland......   The relationship between Africa and Poland over the years has been mutually beneficial guided by trust, respect and friendly relations. Although  Africa and Poland business communities have recorded tremendous successes in bi-lateral trade, there is a large trade imbalance in favor of Poland as Poland exports represent some 80 per cent of the total bilateral trade volumes. This gap needs to be reduced. Therefore, Poland - Africa Economic Forum is a forum that promotes mutual beneficial relationship in business transactions among Poland and Africa. This is projecting Africa not only as a consumer market alone, but as an investment destination where goods can be manufactured and consumed locally. Poland - Africa Economic and Business Forum explore ways of practical cooperation in trade, investment, finance, hu...

Hon. Buchi George's Speech At PANfID Webinar For Africa’s WTO Ambition.


Japan - Africa Economic Forum

  The Japan –Africa Economic Forum will be an innovative Business and Investment marketplace that will create a business mix, matching opportunities, and as well, attract capital for projects on the continent of Africa......


Taxation, imposition of compulsory levies on individuals or entities by governments. Taxes are levied in almost every country of the world, primarily to raise revenue for government expenditures, although they serve other purposes as well.

Czech Africa Economic and Investment Forum


Australia - Africa Economic Forum.....



Finance is a broad term that describes activities associated with banking, leverage or debt, credit, capital markets, money, and investments. Basically, finance represents money management and the process of acquiring needed funds. Finance also encompasses the oversight, creation, and study of money, banking, credit, investments, assets, and liabilities that make up financial systems.

Entrepreneurship & Healthcare ....

Innovation in healthcare, more so than any other industry, requires you to innovate within a framework of rules and regulations......

Long-Term Financial Operations.....


Taiwan Africa Economic and Investment Forum.....

 The Taiwan Africa Economic and Investment Forum is held jointly by African Embassies and Trade offices in Taiwan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.....

New Zealand - Africa Economic & Investment Forum

The New-Zealand - Africa Economic and Investment Forum is designed to take delegates to prospective overseas’ building equipment and technology markets for a week of site visits, meetings, networking events and briefings with leading building equipment and technological companies, local suppliers, associations and government bodies......

Buchi George, Ida Nganga, Toyin Umesiri, Others To Speak At PANfID Webinar.....


Mineral Resources in Nigeria

  Nigeria is among countries in Africa with a wide variety  of different natural resources.  The country is richly endowed with natural resources ranging from industrial metals to various precious stones such as Barites, Gypsum, Kaolin and Marble.  Most of these minerals are yet to be exploited. Statistically, the level of exploitation of these minerals is very low in relation to the extent of deposit found in the country.  One of the objectives of the new National Policy on solid minerals is to ensure the orderly development of the mineral resources of the country. There are tremendous opportunities for investments in the solid mineral sector of the Nigerian economy.    MINERAL RESOURCES Gold, Lead/Zinc, Limestone, Oil/Gas & Salt,Cassiterite, Clay, Dolomite, Gold, Lead/Zinc, Marble & Tantalit,Bentonite, Gypsium, Kaolin & Magnesite,Clay, Lead/Zinc, Lignite, Limestone, Oil/Gas, Salt & Uranium,Clay, Glass-Sand, Gypsium, Iron-ore, Lead/Zin...

Income vs Expenses: what to do when your finance is in a fix.

  Everything is way more expensive now! Your children’s school fees seem to go up every year, barely have enough to entertain yourself like you used to and God help you if you have an emergency situation that requires cash to solve it because you don’t know who else you are going to get the money from. If this describes your condition, well, I won’t say don’t fret, but I would say, you are not alone. What your condition requires is quick evaluation and action because you can’t go on like this for much longer; you will derail your long term financial goals otherwise. In this post, I share a plan that will hopefully get you out of your rot and back on the road to financial freedom. You may already be familiar with some of what I will share but sometimes we all need a refresher. You need to write down and track all your income lines and your expense lines for the month. If you are not doing this monthly, then frankly, you haven’t even begun to solve your money problems. Evaluate Your ...

Malta - Africa Economic Forum

  Following the release of a policy document titled : "Malta and Africa, A strategy for partnership 2020-2025" where Malta is seeing Africa as a relevant strategic partner for the next five 5 years, Malta and Africa are ready to work hand in hand with main focus on Trade, Diplomacy and Development. 




  The Delegation of German Africa Economic and Investment Forum, in collaboration with Trade Nigeria and Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a program called  German Africa Economic and Investment Forum

Trade Nigeria

  RADE NIGERIA: Positive Effect of International Trade on a growing Nation   Positive Effect of International Trade on a growing Nation  In our world today, nothing can be done without an exchange of some value for value, which involves money, ideas, product and technology. Because of this there is direct effect on the economy of any nation, either positively or negatively. Trade can be traced back to the need for exchange, which evolved from the barter system to the money system. Trade in Africa, however, became popular with the advent of the colonial rule that brought in their wares and made Africans their intermediaries. By this, Africans understood the need for trade both domestically and internationally. International trade can be seen as exchange of goods and services that exists between two or more countries of the world. International trade occurs due to differences in natural resources endowments, technology, demand, existence of economics of scale in production,...


  With the expansion of the Internet, many businesses have now started to compete on a global scale. Whenever a business starts growing and expanding, entrepreneurs begin striving to become more competitive – either by importing or exporting goods. As these are the basics that make a business successful, here are some of the key benefits of importing and exporting that are worth considering. WHY IS IMPORTING AND EXPORTING GOODS IMPORTANT? As soon as a business starts operating internationally, there are many additional factors which can have a huge impact on its success. Exporting and importing goods is not just the core of any large, successful business; it also helps national economies grow and expand. Each country is endowed with some specific resources. At the same time, a country may lack other resources in order to develop and improve its overall economy. For example, while some countries are rich in minerals and precious metals or fossil fuels, others are experiencing a shor...

Multilateral Trade Agreements

Multilateral trade agreements are commerce treaties among three or more nations. The agreements reduce tariffs and make it easier for businesses to import and export. Since they are among many countries, they are difficult to negotiate. 

Foreign Direct Investment

A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a firm or individual in one country into business interests located in another country.....

The Global Entrepreneurship Program

The Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP) is a Trade- Nigeria Project-led effort to promote and spur entrepreneurship by catalyzing and coordinating private sector and Nigeria Government programs to support entrepreneurs around the world.

Bilateral Trade

Bilateral Trade is an agreement where two countries agree to have equal amounts of trade between each other. It means if one country has a trade deficit, it has to be made up so that the trade levels meet. This is inferior to multilateral trade where a country trades with numerous other countries and doesn’t worry about bilateral trade deficits.


 HON. NWABUEZE,  BUCHI GEORGE, ESQ,LLB, MBA, JP,FME (Finance,Management, Administration) A UNITED NATIONS AMBASSADOR ON MDG, A Trade, Investment And Business EXECUTIVE ...... A Senior Special Adviser On Foreign Trade,Bilateral Partnership , Inward Investment And Economic Affairs .A REFORMED  EDUCATION,Good Governance ADVOCATE AND Child Education ACTIVIST. The Executive Director, Trade Nigeria, PRESIDENT, GLOBE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, Globe Economic Development Council, Transnational trade and commerce Center, Nigeria Bilateral Economic Forum, CHAIRMAN /CEO, FOWCOM LIMITED, WITH  Degree in LAW. And A major  Focus on  Business, Investment, Trade and Economic Exchange and Multi and Bilateral Cooperation,  with Main interest in Economic growth, international  Business partnership, Policy, Market And Trade Implementation's, Supporting  Economic Expansion And   Multilateral Business And Trade Cooperation Through Joint Ventures A...