Entrepreneurship & Healthcare ....
Innovation in healthcare, more so than any other industry, requires you to innovate within a framework of rules and regulations......
There is a significant gray area to be explored on the “rules and regulations” side of healthcare, when looking at ways to drive innovation. That happens with you knowing enough to understand what rules to follow and what aren’t truly rules.
As an example, I’ve lost count of how many times someone in healthcare has incorrectly cited HIPAA regulations and what they mean, or even worse…spelling it as HIPPA.
There are rules and regulations in healthcare, which are 100% non-negotiable. As you learn more about the industry, you slowly identify other rules that aren’t exactly that. But, they were a “best practice” at one time and somehow morphed into everyone accepting them as a written regulation.
This happens in many areas of business and life. As my Tweet mentions, I’ve noticed it in sports, such as baseball.
Healthcare innovation does occur, but deeply understanding the rules and regulations are paramount for an entrepreneur to maintain credibility with customers, whether the product is B2B or B2C.
Mismanaging someone’s healthcare data isn’t a matter that is readily forgivable. Building tech that isn’t secure falls in the same bucket.
But, innovation in healthcare is needed…desperately. So, learn the industry. Learn the areas, where rules are rules and where they aren’t exactly that. Exploit your knowledge and help patients.
That is what drives all of us in healthcare. Helping.
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