Taxation, imposition of compulsory levies on individuals or entities by governments. Taxes are levied in almost every country of the world, primarily to raise revenue for government expenditures, although they serve other purposes as well.
Purposes Of Taxation
During the 19th century the prevalent idea was that taxes should serve mainly to finance the government. In earlier times, and again today, governments have utilized taxation for other than merely fiscal purposes. One useful way to view the purpose of taxation, attributable to American economist Richard A. Musgrave, is to distinguish between objectives of resource allocation, income redistribution, and economic stability.
Classes Of Taxes
Direct and indirect taxes
In the literature of public finance, taxes have been classified in various ways according to who pays for them, who bears the ultimate burden of them, the extent to which the burden can be shifted, and various other criteria. Taxes are most commonly classified as either direct or indirect, an example of the former type being the income tax and of the latter the sales tax.
Direct taxes
Direct taxes are primarily taxes on natural persons (e.g., individuals), and they are typically based on the taxpayer’s ability to pay as measured by income, consumption, or net wealth. What follows is a description of the main types of direct taxes.
Indirect taxes
Indirect taxes are levied on the production or consumption of goods and services or on transactions, including imports and exports. Examples include general and selective sales taxes, value-added taxes (VAT), taxes on any aspect of manufacturing or production, taxes on legal transactions, and customs or import duties.
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