World Economic and Investment Forum (weiforum) is a global gathering and International conference, trade summit, and product exhibition platform created to facilitate international trade development and investment between countries. In WEIFORUM, we focus on business development, bilateral trade partnerships, economic cooperation and solutions for international trade and investment challenges. WEIFORUM facilitates its global stakeholders by offering multiple opportunities to support and influence Trade Investment and Business development related to policymaking, Global Matchmaking, outsourcing, shaping the business environment for Trade growth and network with Global Business leaders and policies that come with the trade.


WEIFORUM connecting continents through Multilateral Trade partnerships and Trade Cooperation, Trade is a major key to promoting growth and development between continents. WEIFORUM, is a global initiative to accelerate transformation in Global Trade and Investment.


WEIFORUM works to sustain a stable and suitable business environment for networking and partnership for our members and investors.


Ø  To promote and grow business relations between continents.

Ø  To act as a bridge between Government, Organizations, Businesses, and Investors to create a favourable platform to trade and invest

Ø  Fostering social responsibility through local participation in activities and projects

Ø  Improving a better way of life.



·         Partnership

·         Trade Development

·         Economic Cooperation



Connecting Continent with Continents through Multilateral Trade Partnership and Trade Cooperation.




Ø  Business Development

Ø  Investment

Ø  Trade Development and Promotion

Ø  Economic Exchange and Cooperation

Ø  Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Partnership



This program promotes Investment Promotion Policies (IPP), Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT), through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), G2G, B2B, B2C Trade relationships and Trade between Continents through Conferences, Summits, Expos, Fairs that create value for all humanity and sectors.



  • Promote Global Trade, Business and Investment (FDI).
  • Support Trade and Industrialisation Diversification Drive.
  • Support International Trade Growth and Government Promotion Policies.
  • To exchange Expertise, Best practices and Innovative ideas.
  • Discuss non-physical barriers to Global Trade and Investment.
  • Investment Protection Treaties, Double Taxation Agreements, Financial structures.
  • Discuss physical barriers on Trade Development.
  • Discuss the creation of Trade Not Aid Project for Business and Investment Growth.
  • Identify key sectors for Short, Medium and Long Term collaboration.
  • Identify opportunities in Medical & Health Care Sector, Energy, Information Technology, Education, Research, Knowledge Transfer, and Human Capacity Development.


This project is also in partnership with Governments, International Organisations, and Business leaders to promote trade and investment.


Who we are

A global gathering and international conference, trade summit, goods and products exhibition, and platform created for international trade development and investment among nations.


What we do

Focuses strength and strategies on business development, bilateral trade partnerships, economic cooperation and solution for international trade and investment challenges.


Why us?

WEIFORUM facilitates its global stakeholders the action to support trade and investment for development for trade growth and network with global business leaders and politics that comes with trade.







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